Thursday, December 6, 2012


I keep thinking today is Tuesday, because it doesn't feel like there should only be one day left in the week before finals.  Let the stress begin.

I already started freaking out a little over a week ago.  If fact, I even started developing little bumps all over my face from what I can only guess is from stress.  On top of that, I don't sleep soundly at night, it's hard to fall asleep, but yet I'm exhausted and it's hard to get up.  It also doesn't help that for the last three nights in a row, my dog has been getting me up at exactly 4:30am to go potty.

I don't know why I do it to myself.  I always get all worked up about having to write a paper, but then I just sit down and do it and it's fine and I'm fine and everything's just fine.  I've become a worry-wort in my old age I suppose.  I'm already counting down the days until I get to see my family again - 15!

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