Thursday, December 6, 2012

Norf 'O, Yo!

While working on my Criminology paper, I remembered some other weird difference between Nebraska and Utah.  Sort of depressing, really, so I'm not entirely sure why I want to blog about it.  But I'm desperate.  It's dead week and my brain is fried.

I grew up just north of North Omaha.  If you don't know anything about that area, google it.  Basically, it's the only ghetto in Omaha that's worth mentioning.  Enough so that you don't really want to be by yourself after 10:00 past 30th and Ames.  I made the mistake once of going to the Walgreens on 30th and Martin at 11:00 on a Friday night.  Granted, this is several miles north of the worst part still, but it gave me enough heebee-jeebees to convince me to not go back.  Nothing happened, I wasn't threatened or anything.  It's just a sketchy atmosphere.  My mom nearly had a heart attack when I told her I'd been down there so late.  It might have had to do something with the fact that I was driving her Escalade too....

I don't think Logan has a ghetto - at least not a ghetto where there is at least one shooting every single night.  Not even kidding.  I guarantee there'll be one, if not several.  My first experience with that area came when we were dropping my elementary school friend off at home one night.  As we crossed through one particular neighborhood, she instructed us to "get down so we don't get shot."  Again, I think my mother nearly had a heart attack.  But, I've never had a bad experience down there.  So I shouldn't be too judgmental

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