Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sad Weekend for Big Red

After yesterday's game, it's a little difficult to admit you're a Husker fan.  I'd never be embarrassed to admit I was from Nebraska, but being a football fan this weekend is a different story.

Receiver Kenny Bell, looking
just as confused as the rest
of us that sad day.
The first time the Huskers played Wisconsin, they won 30-27, after trailing by 17 points.  What a come back!  They've been nicknamed the "Heart Attack Huskers" this season, as they're always trailing when the first half ends, then somehow, they come back in the second. 

It was a slightly different story this weekend, when they played Wisconsin again for the Big 10 Championship...

Huskers got OWNED: 70 to 31.  OUCH.

I didn't get the chance to watch the game (not that I would have watched much past the first half, since even then, it was 42-10; no hope in coming back from that one).  But apparently the defense (and offense for that matter) decided not to show up.  Figuratively, of course.  But honestly.  We were 10 and 2 this season, and then they go and get dominated like that?  Come on, Big Red.  I love 'ya, but that's a little tough to swallow.

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