Sunday, December 2, 2012

No, stay in Nebraska

My sister has always thought she wanted to go to BYU.  She's just always thought that's where she was going to end up.  Over the weekend, she received her first scholarship - a "regents" scholarship to University of Nebraska at Lincoln that would cover her full-tuition - not an easy thing to get.  It was the first scholarship offer she's received, so far.  I have no doubt there'll be many more to come.  But it leaves the question to be asked: where is she going to end up?

We've had this discussion many times.  For so long, she's wanted to come out to Utah, since that's where I am.  But, she's realized something else recently: she's only going to be out here a year-and-a-half with me before we (hopefully) move back to Nebraska.  Then SHE would be the one abandoned here.  I pushed and pushed for her to come out here until I realized it would be better to just wait another year+ to see her, if when I came back, she was at school in Nebraska.  

I remember what a scary time it was for me when my first semester of my senior year was approaching.  You suddenly realize you only have a few months left, and then you're leaving.  Especially when you don't know where you're leaving to, it can be a crazy time.  

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