Thursday, December 6, 2012

Man's Best Friend

I've always been a winter person.  I absolutely hate the summer heat.  This was probably because I grew up in Nebraska which is ridiculously humid.  I don't know if it's some health thing, but I have hot flashes constantly.  I'll be fine one minute, and the next I'm sweating profusely and need to stand outside.

When I do have the occasional cold moment, I have the best toe-warmer around: my 105-lb mutt, Sophie.  She's the fluffiest, squishiest dog ever and the perfect personal heater.  I was lucky enough to grow up with dogs my entire life.  My parents had  Shepherd until I was a couple years, then we had a Bichon Frise, a Golden Retriever, another Bichon, a Beagle, and then my baby girl, and most recently another Shepherd.  She's definitely the biggest one I've had though.  I was lucky to marry someone who also grew up with dogs, so having one was just normal. 

Having her with us has been the best thing ever.  I was so depressed my first year away from home.  I didn't have anything.  My landlord had decided last minute to not let me bring Sophie.  When we moved from there and finally got her back with us, everything changed.  Sounds crazy, but she's been my best friend.  She's always there, always so happy when you're home, never argues, never makes me feel stupid. I believe all dogs have the effect.  And that's why I'll always have them.  

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