Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sicky Stressors

There is nothing worse than being sick a week and a half before the end of the school year.  While I like to believe that I have a good enough handle on all my classes to finish strong, my past test scores have proved otherwise.  Thankfully, I have several papers due that factor in a large percent of my final grade, so I'm hoping those will bump up my final averages.  My English classes have always been good to me - which is good, considering it's my major.  My minor classes, ie Medical Sociology and Criminology, have not been as nice.  Something about crime theories and strange healing methods doesn't click as well in my brain.  On top of that, I've missed work as well, something that is becoming a major stressor, considering we have about $500 worth of student fees due in the next couple weeks... and that doesn't even include books for the Spring 2013 semester.  Yikes!

But on a more positive notes, Christmas is just 27 days away!  This holiday season is my absolute favorite.  I love walking into every store and hearing Christmas music... especially when December starts and it just feels that much more REAL that Christmas is near!  I'm hoping we have a white winter as well.  It always seems strange when Christmas-which is often portrayed on TV as being wintery and white on the sunshiny morning-is actually all dead and brown.  That's been the case the last couple of years back in Nebraska - which is where we go for Christmas and my birthday.  Granted, Christmas isn't about the snow.  But it's still beautiful :) Plus, my dog thinks it's the greatest thing ever.    

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