Thursday, December 6, 2012

Meet New Friends, Keep the Old. One is Silver, the Other is Gold.

I wrote a post on Facebook today about how it's sad that I don't even talk to a couple of girls who were my bridesmaids just over 2 years ago.  These were girls I'd gone to high school with.  They were sisters to me.  But getting married and moving away changes everything.

I've met some pretty great people since living in Utah, don't get me wrong.  It's just sometimes difficult to see your single friends through Facebook and wishing you could still be with them, being immature and crazy.  I thought for the longest time that I would be friendless when I moved to Utah.  Sure, I have my husband, but he doesn't fill that "girlfriend" role- the girls you can tell everything to and get advice from and cuss at and know they'll still love you the next day.  That's how my friends from high school were.  But I knew they wouldn't be coming with me to Utah.  They'd be staying in the Midwest, a thousand miles away.  I knew I'd only see them a couple times a year.  I know they wouldn't necessary understand what I'm going through, since I'm in a different stage of life now with being married.  But I never thought we'd lose touch.

I'm happy to say I'm not friendless here, though.  I have some of the most amazing coworkers anyone could ask for.  For a while, I couldn't decide whether my team lead, Mandy, hated me or liked me.  She's sarcastic, bitter, and hilarious.  Turns out, she didn't think I was too bad either.  Being 32, she's the older sister I always wanted and never had.  She has more life experience and more opinions, therefore helping me out with my dilemmas.  We spend at least half of the work day goofing around and talking about everything from sex, to in-laws, to diets, to candy corn.  She's the most level-headed, no-BS person I've ever met and I love her for it.  She's taught me more than any parents or teacher ever could.  She's taught me that there's no point in taking life seriously.  Have fun.  Be loud.  Love and be loved.  And no matter what, never change who you are.  

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