I finally decided I want to look better, and I'm willing to work for it. Not only for when I look in the mirror, but for my husband and in my clothes. I want to be more comfortable with my body, something I've struggled with since middle school.
I have an athletic build. The ultrasound tech actually made the comment that I had such muscly legs while in my mother's womb. So, I know I'm never going to have tiny legs or a tiny butt. But actually, I'm okay with that. I don't want to look like a supermodel. They're too skinny. Instead, I just want to be healthy and in great shape.

I've worked out before; this isn't some mind-blowing experiment. I have these "kicks" that last about 3 weeks. When I don't see dramatic changes in that amount of time, I quit. I just don't have the gumption to keep at it. I don't have the patience. I want results NOW. That's why I'm hoping posting my plan online will encourage me. Granted, I don't think anyone reads my blog, so they're not going to know, but I'll know. I'll know I put it out there and I don't want to wimp out and have to admit to everyone that I'm a quitter.
Most people start their dieting after Christmas- the whole "New Year's Resolution" that actually only lasts until Valentine's Day. My plan is to get a head start so that I won't be tasked with trying to shed an additional 5+ pounds after the holidays. My schedule is going to include doing Kinect (cardio) and then doing Pilates- which is what I had started, and quit, after 3 weeks. Truth be known, there was a difference. It was very minute and not enough to convince me to keep going, but I saw it. And I want it back - more of it.
So, in addition to studying for finals, preparing for our trip back home, and working until 5 almost every night, I'm going to go to Ross, buy a $10 yoga mat, and start kicking my own butt.
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