Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Home Sweet Home

It came to my attention recently that I "apparently" talk badly about Utah on my Facebook page.  This was news to me, considering I've never posted anything negative about my living conditions here - except for maybe in the winter when it's freezing or in the summer when I'm melting.  Even though Utah is not my "home," I have grown to really enjoy being here.  I love being surrounded by the mountains, especially in the winter when they are snow-capped.  While I couldn't stay here forever, I love being in Logan.  It's perfect for what my husband and I need right now.  We're only a couple miles from the school, we're right in the middle of town, so everything is close, and we're surrounded by great people.  I love USU, and will always be part-Aggie.  The professors are awesome; I have loved all my classes so far; and I love my job on campus.  Okay, I may not love my job, but I love the people I work with.  They make the boring hours totally worth it and I wouldn't survive without them.

I guess what I'm saying it, I apologize if people believe my previous posts have made me look like a Utah-hater.  I will be honest and say that I was very prejudiced against Utah before I moved out here.  Okay, a lot of those rumors have been debunked, but there remain I few I'll stand by.  But regardless, my opinion of the state has definitely changed.  No, I don't want to live here forever, because it's not my home.  I think part of me has remain unattached because I know it's only a temporary stay.  Or at least, that's what I'm planning.  I suppose if we lived here permanently, I would be more willing to let myself become more 'attached' to the area.  I also understand that people are very attached to this place because it is their home.  I'm sure someone would feel the same way if they were temporarily transplanted in Nebraska.  And I know I'd be offended if they made it out to be a terrible place.  So I apologize if it's come across that way.  We each have our 'home.'  We each have places we love and will always love.  For me, my heart just still lies in Nebraska.    

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