Man, I've really been struggling coming up with topics to blog about. When you're required to post three times a week, you run out of ideas fast.
I finally got to watch a Husker football game this weekend. Since we're way out here, and they're way out there, we hardly ever get game coverage in Utah. But Nebraska played Penn State yesterday, so the game was aired on ABC. I watched the whole thing whilst doing homework. I should probably go back and read through what I did, since there's a good chance there'll be some errors in there. Husker games get me fired up and sometimes I don't pay real good attention to what I is writing. :)
Anyway, the Huskers won, so it's all good. The commentators mentioned how classy the Husker crowd is; that we're very respectful of the opposing team and have good sportsmanship. That made me smile. And miss home a little more. Because as I've written before, Nebraska does have some really nice people. Not saying that Utah doesn't. There's exceptions for both sides. I just feel like Utah isn't as genuinely kind as the Midwest. But I won't get into that right now.

Today is also Veterans Day. I'm so thankful for the men and women who serve our country, and who have served it over the last two hundred years. I don't know how they do it. Giving up the life you know to go fight overseas? That takes some serious courage. I know I couldn't do it. I couldn't be away from my family. But I am so grateful and have so much respect for the people who do put themselves in those situations. Both of my grandfather's fall under that category. They were both in the military. That's how my mom was born in Germany and my dad in Hawaii (lucky ducks). It's inspiring to be with people like that. I am so grateful to know and love them, and to know they love me. God Bless America.
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