Sunday, October 14, 2012

Target > Walmart

This doesn't account for places outside Logan, but for this post, I'm going to focus on where I'm residing currently.  Which is Logan.  And Logan, Utah does not have a Target.

This isn't a statewide thing, I know that.  Mainly because we had to travel down to Ogden to use our Target gift cards we received for our wedding.  Woulda been a lot more convenient if we just had one in the place of the North Logan Walmart.

My parents' house in Nebraska is 7 minutes from a Target.  I will be perfectly honest in saying that most of my makeup, shirts, and bathing suits came from within that bright red wonderland.  It's hard not to love the store when you can always find awesome deals and it always feels clean.  I also heard once that it's painted red to appeal to the woman's eye specifically.  I'm alright with that.

What I'm not alright with is that there is no Target in Logan.  I think it would do great here!  It is affordable and is fun, perfect for a college town.  Now, some may say, "Oh, but there's two Walmarts!"  


Walmart scares the living crap outta me.  I don't know what it is.  Maybe it's that I always leave feeling like I need a shower, that the people can be rather, erm, sketchy, that the workers (if there ARE any around!) are never friendly, and that, OH, there's usually only 2 checkout lines open with about 50 people.  I know there are people who think Walmart is great.  I'm just not one of them.  If you happen to catch me at Walmart, it's usually because my husband is buying car oil.  I might also avoid it because of the horrible experience my mom and sister had there two Christmases ago during Black Friday.  It was their first and last Walmart-Black-Friday outing.  My mom has not gone back since.  Not once.  Might sound crazy, but then again, most of the people that shop there are too.

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