Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Realized I have to have 11 more posts for my blog before the semester is over (technically tomorrow for this class).  So I have to come up with a bunch of random, useless, boring topics to write about.

I did it.  I went out and bought my mat last night.  It ended up being only $8 instead of $10, so I took those few extra bucks and bought some 2 lb ankle weights as well.  Decided to go all out and wear the ankle weights for 40 minutes worth of dancing to the Kinect and 20 'attempted' minutes of Pilates.  I did about 3 elevated leg crosses with my weights on before I fell over in pain.  My hubby suggested I start out a little easier.  I have a tendency to go full-force right away when I want something.  My back is not appreciative of that this morning, though otherwise, I'm fine and surprisingly not sore; I'm sure now I will be.

I can't believe everything I have due tomorrow for my English classes... yikes.  1000-word reflective essay for my Poetry class, plus a compilation of 5-7 poems, and a cover letter (though that will be easy since I already did it).  Then, I have 15 pages of non-fiction essays to get together, plus an essay I'm submitting to the radio (all of which still need edits done).

I think I need a nap.

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