Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Thankfulness

In lieu of a normal post, I wanted to jot down a couple things I am grateful for.  'Tis the season!

- I am thankful for the opportunity to further my education in something I love.  Writing has always been an outlet for me, and I look forward to all the years filled with more of it.
- I am thankful for my job and the awesome people I work with.  They make the boring work worth it.
- I am thankful for my amazing husband and all he does to support us.  He's one of the hardest working people I know.
- I am thankful for my amazing family and thank the Lord every day for them.  I would be nothing without them. 
- I am thankful for my clothes, my house, my food, water and other necessities that come so readily.
- I am thankful I woke up this morning. I am thankful every day for this.
- I am thankful I am surrounded by amazing people.  They fill my life with so much happiness.  
- I am thankful for my faith and the comfort it brings me.
- I am thankful for this season of Thanksgiving, so we can be reminded of all the things we are blessed with.  Even if it's something small, like shampoo or milk for cereal, remember to be thankful for it.

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