Friday, November 2, 2012

Trick-or-Treat, Smell My Feet

Well, Halloween has come and gone, which means Thanksgiving (and CHRISTMAS) are right around the corner.

But for the time being, I just wanted to talk about Halloween.  Nebraska has Halloween, so no, that's not a new thing.  But from the time I was 12 to when I moved out at 18, we never got trick-or-treaters.  We would occasionally have a friend in the area stop by with their kids, only because they knew us and wanted candy.  But because we lived in a neighborhood that is mostly older couples, we never had kids stop by.  If fact, we had to go to other parts of Ponca Hills to trick-or-treat, or up to Fort Calhoun (where our high school was).

While this was fine, I missed the excitement behind passing out treats to cute little witches and cowboys.  When my husband and I moved to Mendon the first year of our marriage, we didn't have any luck with trick-or-treaters there either (since the house we rented out of was even more remote than my Nebraska home). 

So last year, I was so excited to finally live in town, so we could pass out candy! (by 'we' I mean me, because my husband doesn't get caught up in all that juvenile excitement).  Because we live in a basement apartment, I pulled my husband's truck right up to the side walk, and sat on the tailgate with a blankie, a container of candy, and my dog.  I was just giddy.  What I didn't realize is that about 95% of the kids in our neighborhood area go to our church, which hosts a trunk-or-treat every Halloween before it gets dark.  So, I didn't get as many trick-or-treaters as I'd hoped, since most of them had already gone to the church-hosted candy fest.  But I was happy with the two-dozen or so kids that did come by.

This year, I decided to go to the trunk-or-treat, since that was the best chance of handing out candy.  Due to unusual circumstances (friend never telling me if she arrived or not... but no hard feelings), I didn't end up going, and instead fell asleep.  By the time I got up, it was almost 8:00 and all the trick-or-treaters were done for the night.  I was heartbroken.  We even forgot to carve our pumpkin. And now, there's a big 'ol basket of candy sitting on our coffee table, just screaming at me to grab a piece every single time I walk by.  On top of having 3 pounds of candy sitting in the middle of our family room, I've also developed an unhealthy addiction for Candy Corn.  Let's just say, when I went to Smith's yesterday for broccoli and chicken, I went sort of bananas over the Brach's yumminess that were on sale for $1. 

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