Monday, September 24, 2012

Darn Utah Drivers

I'm going to apologize in advance because I know this is going to sound especially snarky towards a Utah native.

But seriously, the drivers out here suck.  And I'm not just talking about Cache Valley; although my experiences will crosswalks have been anything but positive here (more of that later).   

I come from the Heartland.  Many people are familiar with the phrase "Midwest hospitality."  That's because being there feels like home, regardless of where you are from.  Granted, there are exceptions for every situation, but Nebraska has some of the kindest, most sincerely generous people you'll ever meet.  People who say "Bless you," when you sneeze, who open the door for you, who kindly let you into the lane of the Interstate when you realize 100 yards before your turn that you need to exit.  Moving to Utah was slightly horrific when I realized that you can drive 5 mph over the speed limit and still get passed like you're standing still.  In Nebraska, most people actually obey the laws of the land.  There is one part of the Interstate where it changes to 80 mph just outside Omaha.  You go 80, and people still go 65 around you.

What's more, instead of just flying past you on the freeway here, people are incredibly rude.  I cannot tell you how many times I have been cut off, tailgated, almost hit by idiots on phones, not been allowed into a lane, and seen people run red lights (Logan.. next three people in line at left turn signal turn after light turns red... because that's just how it is).  I'd also like to mention that I no longer use the crosswalk at 4th North and 6th East, because I have nearly been hit on several different occasions - one of them resulting in my dropping of the F-bomb in front of my husband.  After that incident, I decided it would be safer to j-walk.

What is especially annoying is the people in obnoxiously ginormous trucks that think they rule the road.  No... just because you are "compensating" with a big boy's truck doesn't mean you can run people over.

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